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The law is the same for all types of accidents?

The law is the same for all types of accidents?

  No, domestic accidents and road legislation is much milder. In these accidents there is the figure of the employer who threatens the life of a...

What are the causes of the accident?

What are the causes of the accident?

The causes are mainly two, which are usually simultaneously: the proximate cause: a wrong maneuver, a distraction, a slip, a failure of the machine;...

What does circumstantial element of the accident mean?

What does circumstantial element of the accident mean?

  It means that the reason for which the worker suffers a physical injury must be that place a work activities connected with his job and...

How many natural gas and oil are there in the world?

How many natural gas and oil are there in the world?

  The world has, according to the latest estimates, oil reserves for a total of about 142 billion tons and natural gas reserves of 150 trillion...

How must we react in case of fire in the workplace?

How must we react in case of fire in the workplace?

  In the event that the flames and smoke spreading into the room where we need: away quickly closing the door of the room; alert staff to...



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Transforming carbon dioxide into fertilizer is now possible: the operational facility is in Switzerland
Transforming carbon dioxide into fertilizer is now possible: the operational...

Since 31rd May, 2017 the Climeworks has activated attivato in rural Switzerland its plan that is...