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The party of the trees and the circle of life

The formative project "The Party of trees - the circle of life" is a new educational project which goal is to explain the importance of the roll of trees at environmental and in terms of energy and, at the same time, continue, such as in the case of Administration City od Affi, an historical tradition or "kick off" to a new initiative that see the planting of new trees to celebrate the new born in the town.

This project for Primary School "The Party of trees - the circle of life" divides in 2 parts.

First lesson presents the Argo teamin collaboration with teaching staff direct  training activities to the children of the school, with the help of Mr Kilowattora that will guide the children in the magic world of nature.

Training projects for primary school in Verona, the party of the trees

In this lesson, Mr Kilowattora, supported by Andrea Tomiozzo, Director of Environment and Energies Divisions of Argo who has a wide know how as trainer in middle and high schools, will explain and make experiments that children will try first-person by seeds of different plants; they will learn to better know the importance of trees, their functions and uses in relationship with animals, environment andin man.

In the second lesson will be given ample space to the children who, with the presence of their parents, teachers and authorities and supported during the party by the music of the choral group Chorus, will plant some new trees that accompany during the growth, babies born this year.

Real signs which are inscribed in children's minds who, mindful of these experiences, will help to the common goodness by raising awareness in their daily lives their children and the children of their children, giving life to a real "sensitive circle of life".


Taken from,25/training-projects-for-primary-schools-on-the-importance-of-trees-for-men-environment-and-animals/divisions.html
Division Energies Division