Reference: Shinynews
The transformation is going on but some examples of Web 2.0 are already operatives by time. Applications and services that have changed the approach of user to the use of the network.
There is no doubt that the process of transformation of the Web 2.0 is long and lungo e for different reasons still unknown. Nevertheless, in the Network ther are already an infinity of examples of application of the type Web 2.0. Some of them are evolutions of pre existing services for some time, others are total innovations, many others don't invent anything but collect different services and rework them for specific goals, usually free. It's the Web 2.0.
By so many ... to one
The classical example of Web 2.0, usually cited for its simplicity and ease of understanding, is HousingMaps , an application for the research of per la ricerca di real estate ads on American territory that uses 3 divided and different resources, Craigslist and Google Maps, for furnish its services to its users. Practically, it crosses data of the first with those of the second and returned a third result. Craiglist collects small free announces o all types, Google Maps allows freely to view maps also with satellite views of the chosen location.
HousingMaps extracts from the database of Craiglist the real estate ads, crosses them with Google Maps and gives to its users, freely, real estate announces, in the U.S.A., marking by locations on maps navigable by mouse.
From softwares to services
That just seen is the case of a service that was borns from other services. In the last article we have already said about the transformation from sites to services that distinguishes a bit all the philosophy of Web 2.0. In general, however, all new generation computer applications tend to services. For this, also softwares anche i software in few years could be used in a very different way from what we have known so far. No more programs affordable in Cd-Rom, but services into the net, by subscription or free, fo the word processors, spreadsheets and other commonly used applications.
Examples of software web
Even Microsoft, the champion of paid software, is experiencing in Beta version a Office Live, Web solution of the traditional suite for office productivity, integrated to the hosting Web services and web mail. A scheme, Office Live coulf have different versions, of which, perhaps, a free base. With this operation, Microsoft answers to the invasion all'invasione that is it preparing preparando of these new softwares. Perhaps, the most famous is Writely, the Web Word Processor recently bought by Google. Similarly, who search a Web spreadsheet, can apply to the al spreadsheet NumSum,and so on. Over to be Web, the other peculiar charachteristic of this instruments is the strong thrust to models of collaborative working.
Collaborate and share
The new collaboration item of Web 2.0 finds its full expression in the real communication instruments like wiki and blogs. The hierarchical model of knowledge, expressed by the generalist or thematic encyclopaedias, is fading fast. To assert, instead, is the shared model, for which, users build together the encyclopedia , collecting freely and for free knowledge and different skills, at service og other users. Is Wikipedia the example to follow.
Similarly, the private presence online,the old personal websites, has given way to blogging phenomenon, simpler to realize and manage and more immediate in therms of communication. So immediate that the experts of communication don't waive no more, for fear of being bypassed in the circulation of information.
It's natural that both yhese models present risks and imperfections starting from the veracity of the information they carry. However they are imposed as a alongside model, or alternative one, to the traditional ones. Their strenght lies in building from the bottom, by users, tipping in the hierarchical view of knowledge and organization of a network of contacts, information and links distributed.
From the taxonomy to the folksonomy
The latter one is truly the revolution that, potentially, has the greatest impact on Web of the future. In the first era of the Network, users were used to access to the website on the base of tours defined by others. The portals of the 90 are the largest demonstration: categorization and addressing top were the navigation methods. The user supported these possibilities to link their own collections (the favorite ones of different browsers) to build personal ways.
In Web 2.0 the taxonomy of the network is replaced by the folksonomy, a bad neologism for a good concept: the categorization of the Web takes place on a shared an collaborative basis, by the use of keywords freely chosen (that correspond, clearly, to the concepts of category).
The tagging
This conception expresses itself in the new phenomenon of the tagging, from "tag" (label). There are no limits. The most important and effective application of the folksonomia model of the Web is, that contrasts - at conceptual level - to the Web directory of old-fashioned: it it permitts to track of your favorites (accessible from each internet connection) and to share them with the others through the application of tags that will serve as keywords for the research of users. But tagging doesn't aplly only in websites: the passage from social application (as these new services are called) to social network is short and in the middle ther's space for a lot of new services and applications.
The last and the most creative model arrives modello still arrives from the USA where 2 boys invented a site to collect through the tagging system the desires of people.