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Energy generation systems: efficient, alternative, innovation and savings


The modern society bases itself fundamentally on the use and transformation of various energy resources where, the most part, is represented by electrical energy, extremly multiforme and easily convertible in kinetic energy that is, movement, in light, heat, comunication .Naturally so that electrical energy could be used, is necessary produce it instantaneously and carry it on the electricity grid because it isn't primary energy freely present in nature and it isn't also storable in a smooth and efficient way.

Until a few years ago, the production was effected for most of the large power plants; today, thanks to the characteristics of the market, the electricity grid and the important technological progresses about the energy management systems, it is possible to self-produce energy with the aim of self-use it for the production processes or, in some cases, put it in the market and/or exchange it on the network.

Renewable sorces for energy Verona

In addition to the traditional sources, the renewable sources (sun, wind, water, biomass, processing waste, etc.) play in this sense an extremly important role. The depth knowledge of the technological panorama and the characteristics of the market allow to the Energies Division of Argo to identify the best technological solution in relation with the characteristics of companies and production processes.

The main tools used by Energies Division of Argo include:

  1. Analysis of the energy requirements and the cycles of the company processes: allows to define the energy parameters on the basis of which will be individuated and dimensioned the most proper energy generation technologies to the needs of the clients.

  2. Research and identification al global level of the best technological solution.

  3. Research and identification al global level of the best strategic, technological and economic partners.

  4. Design of the best legal and technical configuration for the generation plant; this meansmake a choice among the various possible and realizable solutions:

    • Self-production, self-use and/or the input of energy in the electrical national grid

    • Installation of energy storage systems

    • Cogeneration production (electrical and thermal energy) and trigeneration (electrical, therm and cooling energy)

    • Implementation of Efficient Systems of Users and Internal User Networks

    • Integrated energy services in configuration ESCO
  5. Analysis of technical and economic feasibility for the realization of energy generation plants fueled by renewable sources and/or traditional ones (fossil fuels);in the today's technological panorama is important identifying the best solution among:

    • Polygeneration plant fueled by renewable sourcesAnalysis of energy requirements or fossil fuels

    • Systems of high efficiency cogeneration

    • Plants fueled by renewable sources as well (sun and wind, not programmable)

    • Innovative technologies and alternative processing and distribution of energy
  6. Research assistance, development, industrialization and (Stirling, solar Power, PV concentration, syngas, etc.) and heat recovery systems.

  7. Assistance, supply of biomass feedstocks for liquid biofuels (at global level) to the best conditions of the market.

Taken from,7/energy-generation-systems-efficient-alternative-innovation-and-savings/divisions.html
Division Energies Division