AR.GO. SRL Via Evangelista Torricelli, 12
37036 San Martino Buon Albergo, Verona (VR)
Phone (+39) 0454949590 - Fax (+39) 0454949597 -
Communication is also knowledge sharing

Advanced Services: Assistence, Training and Efficiency


The Communication Division of Argo offers a wide range of integrated services that touch different areas: from the realization of solutions, to the assistence and training ( even at home ) that also caters to Commercial and Technical Staff ... but that is not all!

Argo is able to offer:

  • Financial assistance through the management of all the activities that guarantee the access to fi nancing related to technological innovation and Internet portals development.
  • Training  of the corporate Staff with training meetings for the use of the new technologies, also at the office of the Customer, with direct training with Employees, explanations, insights and solutions of questions and problems.


Argo services Verona: assistence, training, efficiency


  • Educational and training projects: since 2010 the Communications Division in sinergy with the other corporate divisions Energies and Environment realizes specific and educational projects about energy ad energy efficiency, on the responsable management of waste and on the environmental sustainability, aimed to primary schools and proposed to all those sensitive institutional realities which want empower and raise awareness, their own citizens of the future about these delicate and fundamental themes.


  1. "At school of energy with Mr Kilowattora"
  2. "The party of the trees - circle of life"
  3. "Re creation with Mr Kilowattora, the primary school descovering the recycle of waste"

Taken from,22/financial-assistence-media-evoluto-group-training-of-the-corporate-staff-and-technical-and-commercial-staff/divisions.html
Division ICT Communications Division