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ASSOEGE: training and courses for Experts in Energy Management

In the Italian, energy use is becoming more and more important for the end user , who begins to understand the value that comes from doing competitive efficiency on their energy consumption , which is why the market has started to take pictures highly qualified to perform this task is not simple.

The Expert in Energy Management, or EGE , fully responds to this request, provided that properly trained and, even better , if with their skills recognized by a third party that operates according to the highest standards of quality available . Training is a key component of these professionals especially in order to fill gaps resulting from an extended practical experience and comparison operators.
These shortcomings can be solved just by comparison with professionals who have received proper recognition in this sense, according to the typical approach of a quality system , which is reported to continuous improvement.

For this reason, thanks to the creation of ASSOEGE, the Association of Experts in Energy Management certified according to UNI CEI 11339, which presents the figure of the EGE, the expert in energy management, you can participate training courses and / or update all the EGE and the new candidates interested in covering this important figure on the whole national territory.
ASSOEGE associates experts in energy management (EGE ) , which is also present between the Director of Environment and Energy divisions of Argo, Andrea Tomiozzo, whose competence has been certified according to UNI CEI 11339:2009 by a third party , according to a validated procedure by ACCREDIA .

This figure was introduced by Legislative Decree no . 115/2008 , which defines this role as the " person who has the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to manage the use of energy in an efficient manner ," which postponed to a technical standard ( UNI CEI 11339:2009 ) the relevant certification procedure. Laws, standards and certification constitute a solid basis on which the expert in energy management can develop to its full potential , especially in the field of energy services.

The objective of ASSOEGE , is well explained by the Statute:

  1. Enhance and promote the figures of Experts in Management of Energy ( EGE) certified according to UNI CEI 11339:2009 accredited by a third party ;
  2. Create and maintain a network among its members for purposes of comparison and dissemination of technical information , scientific and regulatory environment in the area of interest , and the dissemination of information outside of the network between members will be subject to the written authorization of the holder of same information
  3. Encourage and promote the development of energy efficiency culture at institutions and enterprises , national, European and international standards;
  4. Promote an institutional dialogue with the representatives of the energy policies at national and local levels;
  5. Promote the development of agreements of mutual interest between members and other organizations and institutions , public and private;
  6. Implement and spread each type of instrument , both intellectual and technical, capable of fulfilling the objectives of the Energy Efficiency such as, but not limited to, energy audits , benchmarking , systems of detection and analysis , contracts tied to performance indices , etc. ;
  7. Protect , at each location, the professional, economic and technical of the EGE members, also being able to assume the representation ;
  8. Contribute to the analysis and solution of problems related to the Subject Company , with particular attention to legislative reform, national and Community , and regulation of the energy efficiency sector .

Taken from,40/training-and-refresher-courses-for-new-ege-experts-in-energy-management-thaks-to-assoege/divisions.html
Division Energies Division