Management of energy resources: raw materials essential for the productivity and efficiency of any business.
The Energies Division of Argo is called upon to solve every day, in industrial, civil and istitutional sectors, the different needs regarding the effective and efficient management of energy, thanks to a first-class service, offering both complete solutions and strategic advices in definiting of the best solutions and/or technological partners.
The summit of the Energies Division boasts the presence of expert staff in Energy Management (EGE) with certification SECEM (European System of Certification in Energy Management) UNI-CEI 11339-2009; this prestigiuos award is an important added value that complements and certifies the twenty years experience in the sector of the sponsorship of energy efficiency.
All this, translates itself in the possibility to offer important services of Energy Management to the various italian industrial realities and to the tertiary ones, that also include the Management Consulting for the analysisand for the definition of the best solutions and the best strategic and technological parteners at mondial level and the creation and development of Energy Management System certified ISO 50001.
The Energies Division of Argo is able to place side by side the Customer both during the development of an ex-novo project, supporting it from the very first delicate phases of the strategic planning and the choise of the most proper technology to the needs, and to realize a close supervision and review of projects during construction if the Customer is in difficulty (the "jungle" of the burocracy). Thanks to a specific plan of Energy Management, we are able to assist and training the Companies Customers till the achievement of the excellence in energies management.
In addition to thesSpecific activities of energy management, there are also important actions of Training and Informations that cater both to the business world, and to the world of institutions, associations and schools. Infact, Argo is convinced that, for a proper energies management, is important to educate at an early age those who one day will become conscious and responsible energy users and, why not, also producers of energy resources.
- Interview to Andrea Tomiozzo on E7 the weekly newspaper of Energy
- Training programs for primary school
- ASSOEGE: training and courses for Experts in Energy Management
- At the service of the future: education and training
- Energy Management Services: assistance, consulting and training
- Energy generation systems: efficient, alternative, innovation and savings
- Managing Iter authorization: in the "jungle" of the bureaucracy
- Audits and Energy audits certified: assessment, analysis and optimization
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