Reference: ARGO Environment, Energies, Communications
The Energy and Environment Divisions of Argo developed an educative project, Formative project: "At school of energy with Mr. Kilowattora", aimed at children of primary school with the object of transmit to the students the basic concepts about energy and energy efficiency.
For the young age of the audience to which it is addressed, the project has been realized with the support of simple languages, suggestions and appropriate examples, with the hel of Mr. Kilowattora, a new charachter that is the speaker of the project.
Faced with an inefficient use of energy, Mr. Kilowattora trasforms in SuperkWh, a superhero which fights waste and teach the energy saving, giving good advices for everyone.
As support of the formative project, has been realized 2 interactive booklet that, pver a exciting journey in the magic world of energy, contain lots of game pages finalized to focus the children on the principal keywords and stimulate their fantasy and creativity.
Lessons provide the use of measuring instruments, and equipment that helps to save energies and audiovisual material (sounds, pictures, short films) also able to capture the attention of the youngest.
Moreover, Mr Kilowattora give to the children some environment friendly games and connected to renewable energies like, for example, small cars moved by solar energy.
A lot of institutions decided to involve schools to transmitt principal concepts connected to the generation and the efficient use od energy. Initiatives of this type are inserted with great success into Action Plans af all the Administrations. The project "At school of energy with Mr. Kilowattora", thanks to the involvement of children and their families, in the correct usage of energy, represents an intelligent local politics concerning sustenible energy, able to give a sensible contribute in combating climate change.
it is desirable that all the Istitutional Realities, sensitive to a so important responsibility, decide to engage to make a little effort to reach together a great goal.
Argo is happy to propose also to your Local Administration the project "At school of energy with Mr. Kilowattora", already available for the current school year.
In this occasion we invite you to see the blog entirely dedicated to the project at the address to see all the works of children and lots of other project of Argo!
For more information and to be contacted by a Responsable of the Project we invite you to write us at the e-mail address
Hoping to meet you soon in your schools, we remain at your disposal for any clarification.

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