Institutionals Other 3 faq »
Why choose ARGO as name ?
ARGO, in the greek mythology, was the ship that drove Giasone and the Argonauts to the search and conquest of "Golden Fleece". They...
Who were the Argonauts ?
The Argonauts were the heroes which took part with Giasone to the conquest of the Golden Fleece on the Argo ship. Argo ship was built by...
Environment Division Other 14 faq »
The law is the same for all types of accidents?
No, domestic accidents and road legislation is much milder. In these accidents there is the figure of the employer who threatens the life of a...
What are the causes of the accident?
The causes are mainly two, which are usually simultaneously: the proximate cause: a wrong maneuver, a distraction, a slip, a failure of the machine;...
Energies Division Other 24 faq »
What is a TOE and how much does a TOE correspond in terms of electricity?
The TOE (Tons Oil Equivalent) is a measure of energy used especially with reference to the energy balance (local or corporate), since it expresses...
Who is and what is an ESCO (Energy Service Company)
An ESCO is a natural or legal person that delivers energy services, ie, other measures for improving energy efficiency in the user's facility or...
ICT Communications Division Other 17 faq »
What is a funnel and what does funnel mean?
"Funnel" is a term of web marketing, often associated with a lot of other terms (purchase funnel, sales funnel, conversion funnel, to name only the...
What's the internet of things?
"Internet of things" The wording "Internet of things" indicates a family of technologies whose aim is to make any kind of object, even without a...
Alternative Efficiencies
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The most read article
The Statistics on the hours of internet connection
Reference: ShinyNews What time do you connect? When users surf on the net: analysis during...