We are working well today for a brighter future

This is the principle that guides the strategy and the development of Argo, the first company in Italy that offers coordinated services in three strongly related divisions: Environment Division, Energies Division and ICT Communications Division.
The divions of Argo
In Focus
Experts in Energy Management certified by accredited third part, united in...
The President of AssoEGE, Michele Santovito, communicates his...
Project Re-Creation with Mr. Kilowattora
Reference: Argo Communications Administration City of Affi in...
Compensazione della CO2 residua per la società ARGO ...
Communication and language
In technology "innovation" and "implementation" are words we normally...
News and Press

Future is energy efficiency and digital revolution thank to the smart city, the...
"The best thing about the future is that it comes only once".(Abraham...

Transforming carbon dioxide into fertilizer is now possible: the operational...
Since 31rd May, 2017 the Climeworks has activated attivato in rural...

New Account Thermal 2016 has entered into force with more incentives and more...
On May 31, 2016 the DM 16 February 2016 entered into forcerelating to...

Devices of recycled materials in order to product electronic wastes
A news that is able to put two divisions of Argo in contact through...

How plants can generate electricity to power LED light bulbs
Plants and trees that generate electricity are obtained in Italy:...
The most read article
Buy in the internet: purchases by ecommerces are increasing
Source: ANSAIs experiencing a significant increase in the number of surfers-consumers seeking information online and conclude purchases on e-commerce on the network. We are talking about an increase...