Work in a safe and healthy environment respecting the Man
The Environment Division of Argo has extensive experience in different productive sectors and operates with great success also in the advanced tertiary; the respect of the environmental protection policies is always followed with determination.
The idea that it is desirable, if not essential, to create work environments that promote well-being is now increasingly understood and shared. This awareness, which begins to be reflected also in the new legislative initiatives, addresses the need for businesses to develop, at an international level, competitiveness, which translates in practice to improve the cost-effectiveness of investments in health promotion in the workplace and in actively supporting the trend of promoting total quality in the company.
The benefits for workers are considerably cheap and measurable: for they result in a reduction of occupational risks in greater health for workers in the production process, greater job satisfaction and an overall improvement in their quality of life.
(Francis La Ferla - the health promotion in the workplaces, 1999)
It therefore seems necessary now, and no longer be postponed, the need for programs of health promotion in the workplace in order to implement interventions aimed at promoting radical changes in the organization of services for the health and safety of workers as well as same relationships between employers and trade unions.
(Sergio Perticaroli - the health promotion in the workplaces, 1999)
From the first safety laws of the 50s (Norms for the accident prevention P.D.547/55, an excellent piece of legislation for the time; general Norms for the occupational hygiene P.D.303/56; Prevention work in underground, mines and quarries; Register injury) it has come to the '70s (Workers' Statute L.300/70; Occupational diseases; the health care reform law L. 833/78; Ionizing radiation) till the 1991, Noise Lead Asbestos, L.D. 277/91, with the initial adoption of EU directives (391/89 and following, through the Legislative Decree 626/94) to arrive at the end at the L.D. 81/80, supplemented by Legislative Decree no. 106 of August 3 2009.
This determines a foundamental passage fot the protection of workers' health, passing from the presumption of risk (Presidential Decree 303/56) to the risk assessment (Presidential Decree 277/91, 626/94, 25/02, 81/2008).
In this sense, the Environment Division of Argo organizes and manages many activities of analysis of the work environment, training and informations to workers, also provinding to the realization of media.
The activity of Argo allows the certification of the Health and Safety Management System according to the OSHA 18001; this is the tool that allows the management of the management of security issues in the company, through an assessment of the risks and their reduction through preventive actions arising from a continuous improvement plan. This innovative concept of management, in line with that of an industry-oriented motivation of its human resources, plays an important role in the process of asset evaluation company, tackling the issues related to quality of life and safety at the workplace in a coordinated way and forming the way to harmonize development, productivity and motivation in the staff.
The skills that the Environmento Division of Argo provides, also through established partnerships with leading companies, are of a considerable size.
- Management of industrial waste and its potential re-use
- Campaigns for measuring polluting substances
- Environmental impact studies and assessments
- Theoretical and practical training of Emergency Management Teams
- Protection of worker safety
- Analysis of the workplace and work-related stress

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