Reference: Super kWh
From primary School of Affi the project of Argo to teach children about energy
From 2009 the project "At School of energy with Mr. Kilowattora©", continues its route, an educational way on energy and energy efficiency born by the meeting between a sensitive institutional reality, the Administration of Affi and Argo, tha Society that since about 20 years gives services and advanced consultancy in the sectors of energies, environment and communications.
The project, developed and realized by Energies and Communications Division of Argo with the collaboration with teaching staff, involves the students of Primary Schools of Affi, as part of the Comprehensive "G. Fracastoro "Cavaion Veronese.
During a series of meetings with Mr. Kilowattora, children know basic concepts of energies: what it is, where does it come from, how does it transform and primarly how can we use you in the most efficient way?
The question is, who is Mr. Kilowattora? He is a new characther, thought and studied to involve children using comics language but, at the same time, to explain very important concepts and principles:Mr Kilowattora, in front of an incorrect use of energy, transforms imself in “Super kWh”, an energy superheroewho fights against waste of energy and teaches energy save, giving usefull advices to everyone.
Thanks to the aid of simple languages, suggests and appropriate examples, the route has the goal to “turn on a light” of interest in the bright minds of children.
Have been realized 2 educational booklets that, well as a complete travel in the magic wolrd of energy, contain some games aimed to learn principal keywords and stimulate the imagination and creativity of children.
At the end of lessons children are invited to express with words or pictures, their own thoughs about what they saw, listened e touched. Children's ideas and suggests will be rewarded with teaching materials realizes with recicleed products and solar gadgets, someone to be built, suitable for different ages.
"In all sectors, industrial, tertiary and civil one, exist enormous room for improvement of energy efficiency" - said Andrea Tomiozzo*, Director of Energy and Envirnomental Divison of Argo. "To face this challenge, the Administration of Affi and Argo concentrated on a shared value, the confidence in the future, in this case, represented by students of primary school. This value guide us to an important investment in each other, aimed to convey to students primary concepts connected to the generation ad correct use of energy. For the welfare of our planete and for future generations, infact, we raly very much on the contribute that children could give, nowaday as simple users of energy, but tomorrow also as workers, technicians, managers and business men.
Lavoriamo bene oggi per un domani sereno”.
So, the date is in your schools!
Call Mr. Kilowattora: a superheroe helps you to defend the environment and save energy!
* Andrea Tomiozzo is one of the first ten italian experts in Energy Management certified by SECEM (European System of Certification in Energy Management)
See the website of Super kWh:
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