Is neither required nor necessary to pay the search engines to be indexed and positioned it is to say, however, that have been created paid advertisements called "pay per click" thanks to which the ususfruiscono sites that are reported in the appropriate sections of sponsored links.
Just look on Google to recognize the screen up in the right column, have the background slightly colored than all other results, which are on white background, to be able to highlight.
However, the positioning as "organic" or that regarding the natural results of a search, you can not buy. Need a meticulous study and research of the right keywords, also considering the competition ... as they say, "it must be earned!"
The standard or natural placement provides a good management of contents (text, images and captions on pages within the site) as well as the quality of the website through the 'html optimization, distribution of informations and history and popularity of the site.
This type of work allows you to make a profit and keep it in time.
Don't esitate, for any other info please contact us, we will study your case
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