Until a few years ago, to access resources on the web, we had to be sitting behind a computer, with hands on mouse and keyboard in order to find useful informations depending on our needs.
Today, it is hard to deny the fact that everybody live with a portable device, or almost always, in your pocket or bag, with which we can try everything before we were supposed to do at home or in the office.
At the beginning of this year, we published a news relatively the responsiveness of a website titled:"What's a responsive website? The new rules of Google", according to which are penalized no-responsive websites, resulting in preference by Google to place among the top results pages sites more mobile-friendly.
Today, we can definitely say that "the mobile obercame desktop on Google searches".
- clicck on https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/?hl=en
- insertyour website address
- wait the result in real time about the compatibility of your site with mobile devices

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Web 2.0: from website to services
Reference: Shinynews Perhaps we talk about it more than we use it and still it isn't clear for all...