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Ink made by smog like alternative efficiency form

Ink made by smog like alternative efficiency form

Please note: very old information

Have you ever thought that the 'black smoke' from cars could be usefull like 'black smoke colour'?

Well, there will be on virtual shelves, the first ink obtained from the smog that escapes from the car exhaust pipes.

A very interesting kind of alternative efficiency but still at the drafting stage in the laboratories of Massachusetts institute of technology (Mit). But it has already arrived on Kickstarter the crowd-fundraising platform where with only 25 dollars, you can book a sooting pen.

Kaalink device to collect smog and produce ink from ehaustive pipeHOW DOES IT WORK

The process starts with the collection of pollutants from vehicles and generators thanks to the installation of Kaalink, a device that plugs to the exhaust pipe. The collected 'black smoke' has being treated in order to remove heavy metals, cancerogenic substances and create different types of ink.

"We collect the black smoke already emitted from motor vehicles, instead of the cheaper black carbon inks that are produced with the free combustion of fossil fuels,"

explains inventors.

45 minutes into a moving car are sufficient to recharge one pen and the result are

"secure, rechargable, high quality and water proof markers and ink for silkscreen,"

researchers explains.



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