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Audits and Energy audits certified: assessment, analysis and optimization

Audits and Energy audits certified: assessment, analysis and optimization


The Audit is the evaluation (or control) of data and/or energy uses; in practice are activities to measure the efficiency of certain processes, structures or procedures with respect to certain criteria and to monitor the grade of efficiency.

The implementation by the Italy of the norm UNI CEI 11339-2009, for which the establishment of SECEM (European Certification System in Energy Management) is the only organism accredited at European level for the certification of competence of the EGE, defined the Expert in Energy Management as the figure able to perform and certificate this type of analysis; the Energies Division of Argo can boast inside the presence of one among the top ten experts in Energy Management officially certified and qualified at the European level UNI-CEI 11339-2009.

In the context of industrial processes, the Energies Division of Argo handles of:

  • Acquire, record and analyze the real power flows of the Company

    Energy audits certified Verona

  • Analyze energy needs in order to optimize the exploitation of available energy resources and used in the production process.

  • Account the real energy cost of the product (Activity Based Costing) and define the Benchmarks, intended as a a global benchmark for the evaluation and improvement of activities and business processes.

  • Study, analyze and propose a proper management through specific interventions of Energy Management, intented to saving and energy efficiency; this is possible thanks to the use of specific monitoring systems of the real energy flows, also evaluating the possibility to exploit the alternative energy generation and pluri-generation systems (for example renewable energy sources from the use of processing waste) and the adoption of efficient distribution and use of energy carriers.

Furthermore, the Energies Division of Argo offers to realize appropriate reports and/or economic evaluations in the definition of specific business plans and precise payback plans for the energy investment.

Energies Division: News and Press
News and Press
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