In addition to organizing and purpose, each firm is characterized by an own "culture" that defines a specific corporate identity which is expressed also and moreover by an image that distinguishes itself by the other firms, these could realize or sell the same product.
Think, for example, drinks; think of a red and white written ... or a bull...and again, in clothing, think of a Crocodile or, in the IT sector, an eaten apple; probably the largest part of persons thought of the same products...
Because for each pf these cases, the corporate identity and the link between image and product is very hard and is hard to think of other alternatives. Today the corporate identity is expressed very strongly by the image; take cure of the image is, today, the fundamental element to obtain the succes on the market.
It is not only to draw or create a Logo, but insert that logo into a cultural context of the firm which is able to transmit and communicate the message to an extent more or less explicit. On the contrary, in other cases, it is to complete the work: for example starting from the already existing material and coordinate it with new works (Flyer to Web & Web to Flyer).
Coordinate all the corporate image thus means:
- Develop and create a new corporate Logo or,in alternative, modernize and improve the already existing corporate brands.
- Coordinate all the corporate communication, forms and colours, creating a real Corporate Identity which fully represents the corporate culture.
- Coordinate and match the printed material also predates the web and vice versa (Flyer to Web & Web to Flyer); this service is indicated to those realities that already have good material, for example, a flyer or an advertising page and that want to transfer this image also on other components of communication, such as the corporate web site, internal corporate identity and APP for mobile devices.
Futhermore, thanks to the Brand Protection service, it is possible to protect your name or your brand by copies or no authorized uses; Argo assists its Client during the for registration of the brand in order to protect the use and ownership.

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