The new Microsoft's browser Project Spartan replaces Internet Explorer
Please note: very old information
It was one of the most famous browser in the story of the web.
Internet Explorer, after 20 year of work, retires.
Microsoft decided to replace IE with its new browser Project Spartan, a more modern, clear, with speech recognition included, on Windows 10, the operative system of Microsoft that will be published next autumn to fill up the weaknesses of Explorer and give life to a new browser that is able to adapt better to the digital life.
At the moment Spartan, this is the temporary code name of the browser, allows to stamp, in real time, a screenshot of the page youìre viewing, taking notes on it and share it with friends, contacts or coworkers. Another addition and improvement compared to IE is the reading mode that, thanks to the optimizations, aims to increase the time of permanence of users into the pages, a key factor in the advertising agreements on the web.
With Project Spartan Microsoft decided to make a step forward, adapting the new browser at the standard of its competitors such as Firefox and Chrome. Moreover, the browser will have the same interface on mobile devices, tablets and PCs, for the first time, introducing itself like a browser with responsive interface.
So, this logic that doesn't aim at a new updating of Internet Explorer but to aim at a new browser totally re-projected, is final: a decision imposed to Microsoft by the unhappy numbers of last years registered by the systems of analysis and statistics (W3Counter: in february 2008, Internet Explorer was used by the 68% of users. In february 2015, Internet Explorer was used by only the 17% of users).
With Project Spartan the challenge to the competitors is open, although it seems that much will depend from the success of WIndows 10 ... what else to say, for the moment? Who will live, will see!
VIDEO Project Spartan - New Windows 10 Browser

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