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Why isn't there a law about environmental crimes for 15 years? Finally the breakthrough by the Senate

Why isn't there a law about environmental crimes for 15 years? Finally the breakthrough by the Senate

For years we talk about "ecoreati" (in italian): crimes against the environment, from pollution to environmental disaster. And for years the law wasn't able to realize punitive measures for these types of crimes but today "the music is changing".

Is arriving the definitive okay from Senate: here is what the new law says and all the news in terms of environment.

At last Palazzo Madama has initiated the law about environment crimes that introduces the new crimes of environmental pollution, of environmental disaster, the intentional crimes against the environment, the traffic and the abandonment of radioactive material, the crime of no removal and impediment to the control.

Th Senate gave its definitive okay at the draft law against the environment crimes that introduces the "new" crimes against the environment with 270 votes in favor, 20 opposed and 21 abstentions.

"After years of expectations and delays, the draft law about environment crimes is finally a law",

wrote on twitter the president of Senate Pietro Grasso.

"It is a historic day, the government remains committed",

is the comment of the Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando.

"Measures expected from decades become laws. Today on environmental crime. It 's #lavoltabuona (the right time)".

It is the comment of Matteo Renzi on Twitter. The draft law was born from a unified text starting from a law proposal before signature of the President of the Environmental Commission of the Chamber, Ermete Realacci and from similar ones of Salvatore Micillo (M5s) and Serena Pellegrino (Sel – AC 1814).

"We finally reached the goal thanks to a large and common work of the whole Parliament and the mobilization of 25 associations led by Legambiente and Libera. The law that introduces the environment crimes in our penal code is an important measure that increases the bar of legality and helps the clean economy. It will be easier avoid disasters such those of Bussi, those ones about the Asbestos in Casale Monferrato, or ones of the Land of Fires",

says Realacci

Among the main news of this law against environment crimes, there is the introduction in the penal code of:

  • the crime of environmental pollution (between 2 and 6 years in prison with a fine between 10 thousand and 100 thousand euros);
  • the crime of environmental disaster (imprisonment between 5 and 15 years);
  • the crime of traffic and abandonment of of high radioactivity materials (between 2 and 6 years in prison and a fine between 10 thousand and 50 thousand euros)
  • the crime prevention control (imprisonment between 6 months and 3 years);
  • doubled the statute of limitations for environmental crimes;
  • more severe penis in the case of conspiracy of the Mafia;
  • reduction of two-thirds of convictions in cases of active repentance.

Furthermore, in case of a crime or plea bargain for environmental crimes are planned confiscation of property and the restoration of the condition of the premises.
Prison between 1 and 4 years with a fine from 20 thousand to 80 thousand euros in case of lack of remediation.
Delete the prohibition on using the technique of air gun for oil exploration in the sea.



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