ICT Communications Division

Facebook profile photos in the most famous museum of the world
Your best face could soon end up on the walls of the Louvre in Paris or the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Except as Facebook profile photo...

To remember, here is "Thefall of the Wall" on line
Source: ANSABegins each year on November 9, the commemoration of an event that has marked the history of Germany, Poland and Romania: the fall of the...

Warning: Facebook profiles accessible without a password
Facebook profiles are under attack, in fact, on the night of November 2, Facebook went offline for almost an hour because of a bug that makes it...

Here iOS 6, Siri finally in Italian
You got to download iOS 6, the new and free version of Apple's operating system for the iPhone and iPad. It is available for iPhone 3GS,...

The growing of mobile devices
Reference: ShinyStat Analysis of the use of mobile devices Data of the traffic performance of mobile devices detected on a sample of visits to the...

The most read article
To remember, here is "Thefall of the Wall" on line
Source: ANSABegins each year on November 9, the commemoration of an event that has marked the...